Rotary Sock Boarding Machine

What is a rotary sock boarding machine?
The rotary sock boarding machine is a machine used for sock setting. It is used after sock knitting machine and sock toe closing machine. It's an automated device that works by stretching the sock over a mold and then applying heat to shape it. The machine can customize different molds of various sizes and shapes, which can fit different sizes and types of socks.

Working principle of rotary sock boarding machine:
The working principle of the rotary sock boarding machine is to put the socks on the mold for shaping. The mold then rotates continuously, pulling and heating the socks evenly. Finally the socks are dried to provide a perfectly fitted sock that is consistent in size and shape.

Benefits of using a rotary sock boarding machine
Rotary sock boarding machines have several benefits for sock manufacturers. Here are some key advantages:

1. Efficiency
The rotary sock boarding machine is highly efficient and can produce a large number of shaped socks in a short time. It can produce thousands of socks a day, which is a good choice for factories that need high productivity.

2. Cost saving
Rotary Sock boarding Machine By automating the sock forming process, it reduces labor costs while increasing sock production.

3. Consistency
The sock boarding machine provides a highly consistent and uniform shape for desired sock designs. It produces socks of the same size, shape and thickness, making it a highly reliable choice.

4. Customization
The sock boarding machine is very flexible, allowing manufacturers to produce socks of different sizes, shapes and colours. That's because it comes with different molds to fit different socks, allowing manufacturers to tailor the process to their specific needs.

In conclusion
The rotary sock boarding machine makes the sock forming process efficient and cost-effective. It also increases productivity, improves uniformity and consistency, and provides greater flexibility for producing custom socks.

Of course, we can provide different sizing setting machines to suit your output, in addition to rotary sock boarding machines, we also have electric sock boarding machines and box type sock boarding machines, please contact us, we can recommend suitable machines according to your needs. My whatsapp: +86 13858406776. My email:

Post time: Apr-25-2023